Auto Repair Shop, Car Body Shop, Muffler, Paint job, Collision Repair, Car Start, Car Towing, Brakes, Paint, Flat Tire repair, Tune ups, AC, Muffler, Insurance Work, Skokie, Evanston, WIilmette, Niles, Battery, car maintenance, Car Services, Licensed Mechanics, Oil change,
Our 42 years of experience takes professionalism above and beyond common mechanics. We ensure that we offer courteous and knowledgeable service to all our customers. After your car is serviced, get ready to enjoy the open road, because at Sam's Auto Repair shop and Body Shop we believe that your car should be serviced with utmost accuracy. Need an auto repair shop? Give us a call work with insurance on accident collision repair
The brake system equipped in your vehicle is a culmination of over 100 years of technological innovation, transforming crude stopping mechanisms into dependable and efficient pieces of speed variation equipment. While brake systems vary by make and model, the basic system consists of disc brakes in front and either disk or drum brakes in the rear. Connected by a series of tubes and hoses, your brakes are linked to each wheel and the master cylinder by said network, which supply them with vital brake fluid (hydraulic fluid).

Our auto repair shop technicians masterfully replace your breaks and repair your disks and drums as needed. While keeping everything else intact and in great condition. Need an auto repair shop? Give us a call work with insurance on accident collision repair
When was your last oil change? Not sure? Hey, that's not good. Changing your oil every 3,000 miles (5,000 kilometers), or as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer based on your driving conditions, is vital for your vehicle and can help you avoid costly problems. With each oil change, the oil filter may also need to be replaced. At Sam's Auto auto repair shop we inform you of your oil conditions as well as give you a miles and date detail of your next oil change.
​Oil changes should be quick and easy. This is always expected at Sam's Auto, we have our technicians specifically trained to give your car the best and quickest oil change while examining your filter. Need an auto repair shop? Give us a call work with insurance on accident collision repair
Is your vehicle vibrating at certain speeds, say, between 50 and 70 mph? If so, chances are your wheel is out of balance. One section of your tire is heavier than the other because it's endured more exposure to the friction and heat of the road. Come in for prompt, professional service—most people are very satisfied with the difference such a simple and inexpensive procedure makes. These are standards our auto repair shops live by.
Our wheels specialist knows whats wrong with your suspension or wheels just by sitting in your car. He can give you answers on the fly and explain exactly whats wrong with your suspension and wheels. Need an auto repair shop? Give us a call work with insurance on accident collision repair